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Lone’s Story – “My Worry Lines Irritated Me”

Skin Care™ Collagen Filler

Lone is 58 years old, and she has dreamed of doing something about the worry lines on her forehead for some time. 

“The worry lines really irritated me and I was looking for something that could help me with them. A friend of mine told me about Skin Care Collagen filler. I thought it was intriguing that the product contained both collagen and vitamin C, which our skin needs to produce collagen on its own. I bought a box and take the tablets every morning.”

“I’ve now taken Collagen Filler tablets for three months and I can already see and feel the difference. My skin is much firmer and smoother. It also feels less dry. The worry wrinkles have smoothed out. They are less obvious now. I am really satisfied with how the product has helped me. I will certainly continue taking Skin Care Collagen Filler tablets every day because they work so well.” Lone says.

Ewa and her dog Melvin

Customer Testimonial

Name: Lone

Age: 58 years old

New Nordic Product: Skin Care™ Collagen Filler

Country: Denmark

Natural Magic™ Firming Serum bottle and box

Hair Volume™ Tablets

Hair Volume™ is a clinically proven hair tablet that gives a visibly thicker, more beautiful and shiny hair. The tablet gives nutrients to the scalp and hair follicle where the hair forms.

Award-winning Intense Marine™ Mask jar and packaging

Hair Volume™ Shampoo

Hair Volume™ Shampoo contains apple, apple cider vinegar and amino acids which repairs and thickens the hair by giving it vol­ume, density and moisture.

Natural Magic™ Cream

Hair Volume™ Conditioner

Hair Volume™ Conditioner contains apple, millet and amino ac­ids which weightlessly repairs the hair by giving it volume, shine and softness.

Amazing Eye™ Cream

Hair Volume™ Shine Serum

Hair Volume™ Shine Serum contains apple and millet extract to help restore healthy look, shine and volume to your hair.

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